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Carpenter, S. R. , Booth, E. G. & Kucharik, C. J. . Extreme precipitation and phosphorus loads from two agricultural watersheds. Limnology and Oceanography n/a - n/a (2017). doi:10.1002/lno.10767
Carpenter, S. R. , Booth, E. G. , Kucharik, C. J. & Lathrop, R. C. . Extreme daily loads: role in annual phosphorus input to a north temperate lake. Aquatic Sciences 1-9 (2014). doi:10.1007/s00027-014-0364-5
Carpenter, S. R. et al. Plausible futures of a social-ecological system: Yahara watershed, Wisconsin, USA. Ecology and Society 20, (2015).
Carpenter, S. R. & Lathrop, R. C. . Phosphorus loading, transport and concentrations in a lake chain: a probabilistic model to compare management options. Aquatic Sciences 76, 145-154 (2014).
Carpenter, S. R. & Rissman, A. R. . Environmental futures research: experiences, approaches, and opportunities (U.S. Department of Agriculture, Forest Service, Northern Research Station, 2012). at <http://www.fs.fed.us/nrs/pubs/gtr/gtr_nrs-p-107.pdf>
Carpenter, S. R. et al. General Resilience to Cope with Extreme Events. Sustainability 4, 3248-3259 (2012).
Chen, X. et al. Management of minimum lake levels and impacts on flood mitigation: A case study of the Yahara Watershed, Wisconsin, USA. Journal of Hydrology 577, (2019).
Cruse, M. J. , Kucharik, C. J. & Norman, J. M. . Using a Simple Apparatus to Measure Direct and Diffuse Photosynthetically Active Radiation at Remote Locations. PLoS ONE 10, e0115633 - (2015).
Duran, B. E. L. , Duncan, D. S. , Oates, L. G. , Kucharik, C. J. & Jackson, R. D. . Nitrogen Fertilization Effects on Productivity and Nitrogen Loss in Three Grass-Based Perennial Bioenergy Cropping Systems. PLoS ONE 11, e0151919 - (2016).
Elser, J. J. , Elser, T. J. , Carpenter, S. R. & Brock, W. A. . Regime Shift in Fertilizer Commodities Indicates More Turbulence Ahead for Food Security. PLOS One 9, (2014).
MacDonald, G. K. , Bennett, E. M. & Carpenter, S. R. . Embodied phosphorus and the global connections of United States agriculture. Environmental Research Letters 7, 044024 (2012).
Motew, M. et al. Comparing the effects of climate and land use on surface water quality using future watershed scenarios. Science of the Total Environment 693, 133484 (2019).
Motew, M. et al. The Influence of Legacy P on Lake Water Quality in a Midwestern Agricultural Watershed. Ecosystems 1 - 15 (2017). doi:10.1007/s10021-017-0125-0
Motew, M. , Booth, E. G. , Carpenter, S. R. , Chen, X. & Kucharik, C. J. . The synergistic effect of manure supply and extreme precipitation on surface water quality. Environmental Research Letters (2018). doi:10.1088/1748-9326/aaade6
Qiu, J. , Wardropper, C. B. , Rissman, A. R. & Turner, M. G. . Spatial fit between water quality policies and hydrologic ecosystem services in an urbanizing agricultural landscape. Landscape Ecology 1 - 17 (2016). doi:10.1007/s10980-016-0428-0
Qiu, J. X. & Turner, M. G. . Spatial interactions among ecosystem services in an urbanizing agricultural watershed. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America 110, 12149-12154 (2013).
