our partnerships
Public engagement with watershed issues is important for ensuring local resilience. We value the partnerships we developed with the following education and outreach institutions.
Earth Partnership for Schools
We led field trips about water issues in the Yahara Watershed for local K-12 educators as part of the UW-Madison Arboretum’s Earth Partnership for Schools program. These experiences served to enrich K-12 science standards.
Edgewood College
We partnered with Edgewood College’s Sustainability Leadership Graduate Program to create opportunities for their students to engage with WSC’s research.
Lakeshore Nature Preserve
In collaboration with the UW-Madison Lakeshore Nature Preserve, former WSC graduate student Brianna Laube developed a series of short videos that highlight the major water issues in the Yahara Watershed.
Watch the videos online or download them to your smart phone to watch them as you walk along the UW-Madison’s Lakeshore Path, which hugs the shores of Lake Mendota.
North Temperate Lakes Long-Term Ecological Research Network (LTER)
We used data on the Yahara Lakes that is maintained by the North Temperate Lakes LTER, which documents and examines long-term change in Wisconsin’s freshwater lakes. We also partnered with the network on information management and other aspects of research on the lakes. All of WSC’s principal investigators are part of the LTER network.
Wisconsin Public Television and Wisconsin Center for Investigative Journalism
We worked with a team at Wisconsin Public Television (WPT) to produce 'Yahara Watershed: A Place of Change,' a thirty-minute documentary focused on challenges to freshwater sustainability in the Yahara and featuring our scenarios, Yahara 2070, as a way to address them.
We also worked with the Wisconsin Center for Investigative Journalism's Water Watch Wisconsin project.
Yahara 2070 Outreach Partners
We developed partnerships with the following entities on workshops and other outreach activities related to Yahara 2070: Dane County Office of Lakes and Watersheds; Clean Lakes Alliance; Sustain Dane; Wisconsin Academy of Sciences, Arts & Letters; Madison Magazine; ThinkWater; UW-Madison Center for Limnology; Witness Tree Collective; and the Farley Center for Peace, Justice and Sustainability.