Stakeholder Input
Individuals from the following organizations and communities provided their input to the development of the Yahara 2070 scenarios. We thank them for their valuable contributions.
- Capital Area Regional Planning Committee
- Centro Hispano
- City of Fitchburg
- City of Madison
- Clean Lakes Alliance
- Clean Wisconsin
- Community Action Coalition
- Community Organizers
- Dane County Executive's Office
- Dane County Land and Water Resources Department
- Dane County Lakes and Watersheds Commission
- Edgewood College
- Educational Communications Board
- Farley Center for Peace, Justice and Sustainability
- Farmers
- Former local government elected officials
- Madison Area Community Supported Agriculture Coalition (now Fair Share CSA Coalition)
- Madison Childrens Museum
- Madison Community Cooperative
- Madison Community Foundation
- Madison Magazine
- Madison Metropolitan Sewerage District
- Metcalfe Markets
- Park Towne Development Corporation
- Promega
- Prudential Realty
- River Alliance of Wisconsin
- Rutabaga Paddlesports
- Snoeshoe Food LLC
- Stark Realty
- Strand Associates Inc.
- Thrive
- Town of Dunn
- Town of Middleton
- Urban League of Greater Madison
- Upper Sugar River Watershed Association
- UW-Madison Center for Limnology
- UW-Madison Department of Agricultural and Applied Economics
- UW-Madison Department of Urban and Regional Planning
- UW-Madison Nelson Institute for Environmental Studies
- Wisconsin Department of Agriculture, Trade and Consumer Protection
- Wisconsin Department of Health Services
- Wisconsin Department of Natural Resources
- Wisconsin Farm Bureau
- Wisconsin Public Service Commission
- Wisconsin Realtors Association
- Wisconsin State Energy Office
- Wisconsin State Journal
- Wisconsin School of Business
- Yahara Lakes Association