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Qiu is a PhD student with Monica Turner and is broadly interested in understanding how ecosystem services interact and how can they be sustained in the context of global environmental changes. Specifically, for his dissertation research, he is combing empirical and spatial modeling approaches to address the following questions, using the Yahara Watershed as a microcosm of a larger region: (1) How do ecosystem services interact across heterogeneous landscapes? (2) To what extent can landscape patterns be purposefully managed to enhance the provision of ecosystem services? (3) What are the consequences for resilience and vulnerability of freshwater and other ecosystem services under alternative future scenarios? (4) How is a newly arrived invasive species of worm (Amynthas agrestis) affecting ecosystem services provisioning in different ecosystems? His research seeks to generate new scientific understanding about implications of climate and landscape change for the provisioning of and complex interactions among ecosystem services, in order to inform alternative pathways to landscape sustainability.
Qiu received his M.S. in Ecology from the Chinese Academy of Sciences and a B.S. in Geography from the Northwest University from China.