our people

Seifert is responsible for WSC’s outreach and communications efforts and is heavily involved in the Yahara 2070 scenarios. Her primary research interest is science and environmental communication, especially how communication can influence behavior and social change.
Seifert completed a joint MSc in Life Sciences Communication and Environment & Resources at the University of Wisconsin-Madison in 2011. Prior to joining WSC in 2013, she worked as an editor at the Rachel Carson Center for Environment and Society in Munich, Germany. Following her career path backwards from graduate school, she worked in communications, outreach, and development for the Cascadia Green Building Council and, before that, Sustainable Northwest, both in Portland, OR; did a stint as a seasonal worker in Alaska; served in the Peace Corps on the island of St. Lucia; and interned at the German Marshall Fund of the United States, where her communications career hatched. She received her B.A. in German Language and Literature, with a minor in Religious Studies, from the University of Virginia in 2003. She dabbles in freelance writing and editing on the side.