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Carpenter, S. R. , Booth, E. G. , Kucharik, C. J. & Lathrop, R. C. . Extreme daily loads: role in annual phosphorus input to a north temperate lake. Aquatic Sciences 1-9 (2014). doi:10.1007/s00027-014-0364-5
Soylu, M. E. , Kucharik, C. J. & Loheide, S. P. . Influence of groundwater on plant water use and productivity: Development of an integrated ecosystem - Variably saturated soil water flow model. Agricultural and Forest Meteorology 189, 198-210 (2014).
Carpenter, S. R. & Lathrop, R. C. . Phosphorus loading, transport and concentrations in a lake chain: a probabilistic model to compare management options. Aquatic Sciences 76, 145-154 (2014).
Elser, J. J. , Elser, T. J. , Carpenter, S. R. & Brock, W. A. . Regime Shift in Fertilizer Commodities Indicates More Turbulence Ahead for Food Security. PLOS One 9, (2014).
Schatz, J. & Kucharik, C. J. . Seasonality of the Urban Heat Island Effect in Madison, Wisconsin. Journal of Applied Meteorology and Climatology 53, 2371 - 2386 (2014).
Zipper, S. C. & II, S. P. Loheide. Using evapotranspiration to assess drought sensitivity on a subfield scale with HRMET, a high resolution surface energy balance model. Agricultural and Forest Meteorology 197, 91-102 (2014).
Lathrop, R. C. & Carpenter, S. R. . Water quality implications from three decades of phosphorus loads and trophic dynamics in the Yahara chain of lakes. Inland Waters 4, 1-14 (2014).
MacDonald, G. K. , Bennett, E. M. & Carpenter, S. R. . Embodied phosphorus and the global connections of United States agriculture. Environmental Research Letters 7, 044024 (2012).
Carpenter, S. R. et al. General Resilience to Cope with Extreme Events. Sustainability 4, 3248-3259 (2012).
Carpenter, S. R. & Rissman, A. R. . Environmental futures research: experiences, approaches, and opportunities (U.S. Department of Agriculture, Forest Service, Northern Research Station, 2012). at <http://www.fs.fed.us/nrs/pubs/gtr/gtr_nrs-p-107.pdf>
